Extol Digital April 2024 | Page 7

SPRING IS one of my most favorite seasons . I ’ m not one who ’ s much for extremes ; winter and summer are usually too far on the cold and hot spectrum to be enjoyable . I ’ m more of a “ transition season ” person , like fall or spring .
Spring is a season of renewal . Everyone and everything is crawling out of their holes and allowing themselves to thaw from the sunless , cold winter days . Plants that were once dead now find new life being breathed into their leaves . Colors seem to pop out of nowhere , seemingly overnight . Birds fly back home and start singing again . The rebirth is absolutely stunning .
Personally , I find a sense of renewal as well . It ’ s a time to sit down and ponder where I need to begin again . It ’ s exciting , really , to look at where I can create a sense of “ newness ” in my own life . As I pull myself out of the winter blues , I ’ m filled with excitement and anticipation for what sunny days will bring . The air feels fresher and life feels a little more breathable .
From redefining your own fashion sense to trying new out-of-the-box food , we highlighted a few people and places that can help you embrace something different and new . Whatever it is you choose , it doesn ’ t have to be big or life-changing . Sometimes the smallest experiences or adjustments can be all we need to feel new life in our frozen bones .
So cheers !! Here ’ s to a new season , new experiences , new faces and places , and a little more sunshine in our lives .
Sincerely , Jen McNelly Editor
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