Lori Unruh
It’s not raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, but Lori
Unruh has much to be thankful for this year. She leapt at
the chance to share some of her favorite things.
My absolute favorite thing of all: Being a mom and wife,
and snuggling with my children, Cade and Ella.
My favorite guilty pleasure: A cup of coffee with
hazelnut creamer and a peanut butter bagel dipped in
Nutella each morning.
My favorite way to find quiet time: A daily dose
of hot yoga.
My favorite reason for laughing: Listening to my two
witty teenagers figure out life challenges (I learn from
them daily).
My favorite kind of evening: I adore my girlfriends and
cherish laughing over dinner with them.
My favorite charitable cause: Of course, it’s my Cadella’s
Favorite Things event! It’s an amazing event that spoils
everyone who attends with gifts donated by some of the
most generous professional and business owners in our
community. Most importantly, 100% of the ticket sales go
to a chosen charity in our community.
My favorite poem:
Time Tested Beauty Tips
By Sam Levenson
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers
through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never
walk alone.
@cadellasjewelry on Instagram
@cadellas on Facebook
Favorite Things, where guests take home unique gifts,” said Unruh. “All
proceeds went toward Miles for Merry Miracles in support of the Southern
Indiana Angel Tree program.”
As 2020 dawns, Unruh is looking forward to a busy year with her jewelry,
which she calls “inside-out love lockets.”
“Your blessings are on the outside for all to see,” she said. “Photo albums
get stored away, but with Cadella’s, you have a fashionable way to wear the
memories. You can take photo memories that otherwise might fade away,
wear them as jewelry and be reminded of the blessings every day.”