Speed Across the River for
Great Art and More
5 things we love about the Speed Art Museum
When the Speed Art Museum reopened in
2016 following a massive, three-year closure
for renovation and expansion, guests were
mesmerized by the changes. Today, the Speed
continues to evolve into a place where great
art meets great community, with a focus on
exhibitions, events, film, food, and more, that draws
families, art lovers, and the entire community to
its iconic building. Art for All – The Speed Art Museum is
Kentucky’s oldest and largest art museum, covering
6,000 years of art from around the world. From
ancient Egyptian art, to the European Masters,
including Rembrandt and Monet, to modern
classics and more, the Speed invites everyone
to experience art for all. Thanks to a generous
grant from Brown-Forman, the Speed offers free
admission to all every Sunday from 12-5 p.m.
If you haven’t visited recently, here’s a primer
on some of our favorite things about the Speed
Art Museum: FREE Admission for IUS Students – Thanks to
a partnership between The Speed and Indiana
University, IUS faculty and students with a current
student ID receive free admission through Aug. 1,
2022. What are you waiting for? Go now!
Excellent Exhibitions – The Speed’s
permanent collection is breathtaking in its quality
and historical significance. The museum’s curators
frequently rotate pieces from the expansive
collection in storage to keep the art fresh and
exciting as you visit time and again. The latest
special exhibition on display is Tales from the
Turf: The Kentucky Horse. If you love horses, don’t
miss this first exhibition to examine Kentucky’s