If you’d like to learn how you can start your own family fund or a fund to support your favorite
causes, please call the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana. Because of a matching grant
from Lilly Endowment, Inc., you can add to or create a new endowment fund for your favorite
charitable causes and receive a $1 match for every $2 contributed.
Or, if you want to help the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana give back to our community
through our community grant program, you can give to the Foundation’s unrestricted Community
Impact Fund. For every $1 donated to the Community Impact Fund, Lilly Endowment Inc. will donate
$2 – a two for one match – TRIPLING your charitable investment. Have questions on how to take
advantage of the match, start an endowment fund, or support the Community Impact Fund? Visit
CFSouthernIndiana.com, or call 812.948.4662.
The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana was founded in 1991 as the region’s partner,
resource and steward in philanthropy. The Foundation manages $116 million in charitable assets and
administers over 260 individual funds – each of which supports the unique charitable intent of the
donor who established the fund. Annually, the Foundation awards millions in grants and scholarships
to support our community and is a National Standards certified community foundation.
4108 Charlestown Road
New Albany | 812.948.4662